Friday, July 29

still a student

arini nk share 3 situasi berbeza yg berlaku ms 1st 3 weeks as _ yr medical student..dlm byk2 patient yg tlah d temu ramah so called 'history taking',3 patient ni yg telah mberi kesan n pengajaran berbeza pd dri ini..huhu

Situasi 1
pd suatu p wardround dgn 3 rkn yg len,kitorg msuk surgical ward..dgn muke innocent p la usha2 patient ne yg msih berjage n nmpak mcm bole respon pd kitorg.then,de la sorg uncle ni dri jauh g da pndang n senyum kt kitorg.siap lambai2 g..dlm hati 'excited bsemangat ny ptn ni,mcm bez je nk amik history,hehe'..then,kitorg p la kt uncle ni..tny la soklan2 yg perlu di tny,n die pn jwab ngan baik..tny sepatah sepatah,pnjang die bole jwb, bsembang tu,die selitkn kate2 nasihat psal jge kesihatan,psal jgn stress n siap tny lak kitorg berasal dr mane stiap org..uncle pn de bakat amik history gak ni,hehe..actually,die de mslh kesihatan yg beseny org lelaki berumur tgk cre die respon,nasihat kitorg mcm die xsakit pe2..mmg happy go lucky r :)..die siap ckp:
          "tak mau stress2,nt umo pendek"
kitorg mengangguk manjang,tnd fham n cre nk bg patient tau yg kte pay attention pe yg die ckp,n want him to tell more bout his condition..
 p/s:pengajaran ny,pe pn blaku dlm idup kte,kne de positive thinking..what we think determine what we become..kalu de sakit,try to cope n adjust our life wif d situation,jgn keep blaming n sdey sgt2 coz at d end,wont change nothing or become worsen..

Situasi 2
pd satu tengah hari,mcm bese bile de mse free smntara tggu next class,kitorg (me & 6 frenz) p ward ntuk amik history g..kali ni surgical ward gak..beseny kitog mmg p medical ward or surgical ward r,yg len jrg coz yg len tu lbih specific to one type of dz mcm ortho ke,gynae n etc..kali ni kitorg berpecah sbb xmau rmai sgt mengadap sorg ptn..since 7 peoples divided by 2 d answer is 3.5 peoples, aq pn decide ntuk p clerk sorg2 je,diorg yg len ber2 r..melangkah sendirian ntuk cri patient then nmpak sorg makcik ni tgh baring relax ats katil..lpas da rancak berbual,makcik ni ckp:
           "doktor,sye risau ttg pembayaran ntuk hosp ni,makcik ingat nk p 
             hosp kerajaan je tp da kes makcik de kt cni,jd diorg msukkn makcik 
             kt cni."
Doktor?xpela,iye kn je,hehe..Untuk meredakn keresahan makcik tu,aq pn pgang tgn die n ckp:
          "makcik jgn risau ye,sy pn xtau mcmane cre nk mhon bantuan tu,
            tp sy akn cube cri n nt gtau makcik ye..:)" 
Actually,diz ptn having kidney prob n reproductive prob..her situation become worse coz she need to quit from her job bcoz of her dz and after being left by her husband she need to survive for her children which is still in xtau pe yg blaku dlm fmly die sbnrny tp die mention yg hubby die de gurl len,then left her..dlm hatiku,'pe pny laki la ni,da bg ank isteri pn wat hal,brat ujian makcik ni'..lpas da cite2,aq minx izin cek abdomen die jap..alhamdulillah,diberi kepercayaan n kesempatan jmp ptn ni sbb dz die quite common for female during reproductive nex time kalu jmp lg,mayb leh recognise..da nk blek tu,salam,say thanks,then aq melangkah pergi dgn persaan sayu n rse btggungjwb sbb dr pe yg diceritakn,aq tahu die sgt memerlukan bantuan tu n die bhrap aq,yg die ingatkn doktor ntuk tlg die..n til now,xdpt jmp die blek n tlg die,smpai terbwa2 dlm mimpi da..huhu..
          "I'M SORRY.. ;("

p/s:pengajaran yg pnting seumur idup,when sum1 want n hope sumthing from u,that's ur responsibilty to fulfil their wish,tlg setakat yg termampu..grateful for everything given by Him..n bile diberi kepercayaan, gunakn sebaikny..setiap yg dilakukan akn ditny kelak..

ckp sal kepercayaan ni,teringat tazkirah aritu kt surau,ustaz ckp:
"antra doktor ngan ustaz,org lbih percayakn doktor..bile ustaz ckp 'awk akn msuk neraka',mst org xpercaya tp bile doktor ckp 'awk ade lg bbrape bln ntuk idup' org trus nk mule bertaubat"
emm,btul gak contoh yg ustaz bg ni..renung2knlah~ :)

Situasi 3

Pd suatu ptg yg terik,kemalasan da jd rutin ntuk p amik history,so mls mcmane pn,p gak wardround..kali ni kitorg tukar mood,nk p ward nephrology bkn 1st time g ctu,cume jrg la p sbb agk jauh..tu kire ward ntuk patient with kidney problem n endocrine problem..msuk ward,tgk rmai ptn tngah tdo,de ptn yg de org melawat da..sib de jmp sorg uncle ni,nmpak lonely..kitog pn maniskn muke n p la approach uncle ni..kwnku:
          "uncle,kami ____ .bole x nk tny beberape soalan?
           "bole" jwpanny smbil mengangguk.
mule la sesi soal jwb..xlame pastu dgn nada semcm uncle ni ckp:
          "dari pg td da byk org dtg,tny soalan mcm2..kami ni sakit,tired.."
tgk reaksi muke ny berubah,kitorg pn terkedu n blurr jap..pastu kitorg minx maaf n melangkah hampa tggalkn ward tu..kitorg xckp byk pastu,xsalahkn pakcik sbb die under stress,fham..if he mention earlier dat he doesnt want to,then we wld understand n wont disturb him..mgkin sbb ni kali prtama hadapi patient mcmni so sentap terasa gak r..
p/s:kne bersedia bhadapan dgn pelbagai ragam patient,tu kire ckit or nothing la..n more important,lebih bersabar n cube fahami pe yg patient rase..n need to polish communication skill n think how to handle diz type of patient next learn from experience..

dats all for now,insyaAllah more post later..salam :)

                                           my props..hehe

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